Sunday, February 28, 2010

JAVA Jokes - The fun side of JAVA

Too much of JAVA technical stuff , now here is a collection of some JAVA jokes that caught my eye..

9:00 AM
Project manager: ” Where is Joe?”
Java programmer A: ” You know he is always lazy loadded.”

1:00 PM:
Project manager: ” Where is Joe??”
Java programmer B: ” He is in passive mode.”

5:30 PM:
Project manager: ” Could I see Joe in rest of my life ?????”
Java programmer C: “Never, he has been garbage collected.”


Why did the Integer drown?
Cos he couldn’t Float!


Q: Why did the Java Chicken cross the road?
A: He didn’t, he was just referred to on the other side.


yo mama’s so fat… she get an ArrayOutOfBoundException!
yo mama’s so poor… she does garbage collection for a living!
yo mama’s so ugly… her java.lang.reflect took down the mirror site!


Two ints and a Float in a bar. They spot an attractive Double on her own. The first int walks up to her. “Hey, baby”, he says, “my VM or yours”. She slaps him and he walks back dejected.

The second int walks over. “Hey, cute-stuff, can I cook you Beans for breakfast”. After a quick slapping, he too walks back.

The Float then ambles over casually. “Were those two primitive types bothering you?”, he remarks.

“Yes. I’m so glad you’re here”, she says. “They just had no Class!”

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